By Dr. Godfrey Araujo
07 January 2011
Huancayo Peru
Of my highest consideration:
I am writing. knowledge to make EsSalud of Huancayo, La Libertad, Arequipa, Sabogal, Rebagliati and Beacon have started vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) says in its advertising because it is the one that causes cervical carcinoma (UCC). There are several suspicious factors that favor the appearance of CCU including HPV, but this virus does not fulfill Koch’s postulate for consideration as the causative agent of the CCU, as EsSalud and manufacturers are promoting en masse. This vaccine is made from a virus laboratory has no toxicity study has been investigated in 11.000 and in only 5 years. They say that investigated by indirect methods, direct methods do not realistic nor ethical (Harper 2008). The vaccine was approved by the FDA for marketing in only 6 months and 9 months in Spain, when this term is 3 years prior to approval of Gardasil was tested on only 1,200 women, refuse companies selling vaccines provide data on the money invested in the propaganda (Systematic Medicine from 1911 to 2010). The vaccine was licensed for use only in youth that had not started having sex but are vaccinating women up to the 45.años;. yes there is evidence that vaccinating women infected with HPV, would increase by 44.6% CCU (Jara M 2010), the phase II clinical trial has not been published (Laurel AC 2009), vaccination is not justified, is a big business (Science Network 2009) and there is a blatant advertising campaign exaggerating the risk (Cam-Men 2009), in Spain for research has determined that prevent cervical cancer caused by HPV, it would cost 8 million euros, which is statistically unacceptable. Furthermore, the World Association for Cancer Research (WACRA) said the letter medical or scientifically been shown to be effective and in Europe two associations have formed a close of15, 000 leading researchers engaged in cancer and other association families affected by those seeking a moratorium vaccine until they determine their effectiveness, which will be only on 2025-2030. In USA has formed a group “The Truth About Gardasil” to women who ask to ban the so-called vaccine against cervical carcinoma which they accuse of having ruined the lives of their daughters and in some cases murdered if any . The HPV vaccine is not effective or safe, and prevent cervical cancer ( .
According to VAERS (acronym in English), System Reporting Adverse Vaccine Caused by the U.S. government to date in the U.S. alone there have been 81 deaths and over 20,000 adverse reactions, of whom 6% to 10 % were serious and only reported by 1% to 10%, extrapolating this data then there have been about 200,000 deaths and 810 adverse events (VAERS Report 2009) In India, vaccination was discontinued because caused 6 deaths (Dempeus 2010); after vaccination were two deaths in Austria and one in Germany (Suppository 2010), in Valencia a child had seizures after vaccination and currently remains in a wheelchair, another teenager 16 years old after the shot looks like a 50 year old person (Serra MJ 2009), in USA in February 2009 there were 638 serious adverse events: 544 seizures, 34 thrombosis, 9 and 51 cardiac arrests alopecia (Lleida, 2009); after injection there were 28 abortions (GineBlog 2009), 35 girls suffered severe reactions, two remain hospitalized (elPeriodico.Com 2009), in the Balearic a girl suffered 14 seizures a day after vaccination ( 2009), scientists from Spain, Germany and Canada require a moratorium on the vaccine until strong evidence of the safety and efficiency (Lajornada 2009), its effectiveness will be determined only on 2025-2030 (CHER 2010), the vaccinations are unjustified and are big business (Science Network 2009) and the high cost $ 1000 all 3 doses .
Dr. Bernat Soria Spain’s Health Minister says: “missing studies, evidence of adverse effects and uses up the budget for public health”, Dr. Carlos Alberto Dardet Professor of Public Health at the University of Alicante, Spain, and Director Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health says the HPV vaccine is: Fraud?, Scam?, Robo?, is the marketing of fear, the researcher says John Servas is a joke to the health of women.:
The pharmaceutical industry introduced drugs harmful to health: the etilestilbestrol that was used between the decades of 40 to 70 in women, especially pregnant women, was banned because it was found that originated the clear cell carcinoma in the vagina of women and changes genitourinary morphological tree, favoring estrogen breast carcinoma, thanks to research from the Women Health Initiative (WHI) was stopped being used, the thalidomina, the sweetener aspartame and more recently the massive and unnecessary mandatory vaccine influenza A in complicity with the WHO (Forcades 2009). Between 2000-2003 nearly all U.S. pharmaceutical companies spent by the court on charges of fraud and forced to pay more than $ 2.2 billion, 4 of them acknowledged their responsibility for criminal acts.
For the reasons apply to his office, Mr. Minister, issue a resolution declaring a moratorium on the vaccine against human papillomavirus, pending determination of their effectiveness, which is just between 2025-2030, our countrymen are not the guinea pig TNCs and the state will not squander their meager resources in an uncertain vaccine, in the experimental stage and no proven effective medical or scientific.
Carefully Dr. Godfrey Araujo Email:
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