Herald Sun Marianne Betts March 01, 2011 6:00AM A QUARTER of young girls are forsaking a life-saving cervical cancer vaccine because of ignorance. Two studies suggested an alarming lack of knowledge was to blame for many girls aged 12-13 not taking up the vaccine, Cancer Council spokeswoman Kate Broun said. The Gardasil jab, which protects […]
Cancer Council to dispel Gardasil myths
World News Australia 01 March 2011 | 07:00:00 AM | Source: AAP A quarter of Australian girls eligible for the free Gardasil vaccine are not taking up the offer, prompting a move to dispel the “myths” surrounding the cancer-fighting jab. Studies into the vaccine’s uptake in schools reveal a poor understanding of the way it […]
The Effects of Vaccination on the Brain
International Medical Council on Vaccination By admin – August 26, 2009 Russell Blaylock MD, neurosurgeon [USA] [Host: Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH] Dr. Blaylock will speak about vaccines and their relationship to microglia cells and the release of free radicals in the brain. Dr. Blaylock is a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and […]
Ga. Law Could Give Death Penalty for Miscarriages
Mother Jones — By Jen Phillips | Wed Feb. 23, 2011 4:32 AM PST It’s only February, but this year has been a tough one for women’s health and reproductive rights. There’s a new bill on the block that may have reached the apex (I hope) of woman-hating craziness. Georgia State Rep. Bobby Franklin—who last […]