[SaneVax: Australia recently banned the use of Fluvax in children under the age of five. CSL admitted that a flaw in their manufacturing process was to blame for excessive autoimmune responses, including febrile seizures and convulsions, in young children. The company will not comment on whether or not they plan to compensate the victims of […]
Autism, Bizarre Estrogen Dominance and Seizures
Age of Autism By Teresa Conrick Teresa Conrick is a Contributing Editor to Age of Autism. May 3, 2011 The sketch you see of my daughter, Megan, (here) was done by my neighbor, Ceil, when Megan was eight. She used a photo as Meg was never able to pose and Ceil wanted to capture the […]
The Effects of Vaccination on the Brain
International Medical Council on Vaccination By admin – August 26, 2009 Russell Blaylock MD, neurosurgeon [USA] [Host: Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH] Dr. Blaylock will speak about vaccines and their relationship to microglia cells and the release of free radicals in the brain. Dr. Blaylock is a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and […]
History: Vaccine related nerve damage
Natural News Thursday, February 24, 2011 by: Rosemary Mathis, Director of SANE VAX, INC No vaccine is perfectly safe. As with any medication, serious side effects are possible. As long as there have been vaccines, the potential risk of nerve damage as a result of vaccination has existed. The history of vaccination actually begins with […]
To Justice Sotomayor, Proof That Vaccines Cause Autism Is Just One Lawsuit Away
Jim Edwards, February 22, 2011
The Supreme Court’s ruling in the Wyeth vaccine case was a topsy-turvy affair, with arch conservative Justice Antonin Scalia writing a ruling favoring Big Gummint and proto-liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor authoring a scaremongering dissent that suggests vaccines might cause autism and that activist parents may “ultimately be able to prove such a link.”
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