Authors: Mie Sara Hestbech, Elsebeth Lynge, Jakob Kragstrup, Volkert Siersma, Miguel Vazquez-Prada Baillet, John Broderson Abstract: Objectives To explore the interplay between primary and secondary prevention of cervical cancer by estimating future screening outcomes in women offered human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination when they were sexually naïve. Design Estimation of outcome of liquid-based cytology screening for a post-HPV vaccination […]
Public Awareness and Cervical Cancer Screening
By P. Davies Article first published online: 16 MAY 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2303.2012.00984.x © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Population-based, organized screening programmes can reduce cervical cancer rates by 80%,1 although this will only be achieved with high coverage of the target population.2–4 The introduction of vaccines protecting against oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 has provided a […]
HPV Vaccines versus Pap Screening
[SaneVax: March 12, 2012, the ASCP released new pap screening guidelines. According to Dr. Mark Stoler, past president of ASCP, said, “The Pap test remains among the most effective tools ever devised to prevent cancer and cancer deaths.” Please note the fifth bullet point in the excerpt below. Obviously, Dr. Stoler and the American Society of […]
Lack of clarity about HPV vaccine and the need for cervical cancer screening
Contact: Hannah Johnson The research will be presented today [Thursday 7 July] at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Academic Primary Care, hosted this year by the Academic Unit of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol. The HPV vaccination programme, introduced in the UK in 2008, uses HPV vaccine that is effective against […]
HPV test beats Pap for cervical cancer screening
By Marilynn Marchione, AP Medical Writer Two big studies suggest possible new ways to screen healthy people for cervical or prostate cancers, but a third disappointed those hoping for a way to detect early signs of deadly ovarian tumors. Researchers found: _For women 30 and over, a test for the virus, HPV, is better than […]