[SaneVax: A new Danish study seems to indicate getting the flu during pregnancy may increase the risk of your child having autism. If this were a true correlation, one would expect to be able to find a large ‘outbreak’ of autism during the few years after the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic. Can anyone produce documentation of […]
How the CDC promotes flu vaccinations
[SaneVax: How does the CDC support annual flu shot recommendations? The answer may surprise you. Seems a little creative statistical manipulation can turn 18 actual flu deaths into an amount that is sufficiently large enough to scare the populace into compliance. As flu season approaches, medical consumers must do their research before blindly accepting anyone’s […]
Nobel Prize Winner to Test Cancer-Causing Bug in Drinkable Flu Vaccine
By Simeon Bennett Barry J. Marshall, the Australian scientist who won a Nobel Prize for identifying a cancer-causing stomach bacterium, plans to start a trial next year using the bug in a drinkable flu vaccine. Marshall, the founder, scientific director and majority owner of closely held Ondek Ltd., plans to test the vaccine in at […]
Study finds versatile flu antibodies in human serum
By Robert Roos, News Editor Apr 11, 2011 (CIDRAP News) – A team of US researchers recently added to the evidence that humans can and do produce antibodies that target a wide range of influenza strains, though how the findings can be exploited in the quest for a “universal” flu vaccine remains to be seen. […]
"Vaccination advertising"
By: Robert Snefjella Posted 28 December 2010 Tis’ the season for being subjected to taxpayer paid for government messages ordaining vaccination as the primary weapon against the flu. On the radio a pleasant voice delivers the message from “the government of Ontario.” The message reminds us to wash hands, sneeze cleverly, and best of all […]