Child Health Safety Posted on April 20, 2011 by childhealthsafety SANEVax News Release Parents of Daughters & Women Injured from Gardasil React to FDA Decision Why are medical consumers the medical experiments? Safety and efficacy studies should be conducted for all intended age intended before market release. On April 7, 2011 the media broke the news […]
Parents of Daughters ; Women Injured from Gardasil React to FDA Decision
Why are medical consumers the medical experiments? Safety and efficacy studies should be conducted for all intended age groups before market release. SANE Vax Inc. April 19, 2011. PR Log. On April 7, 2011 the media broke the news about the U.S. FDA’s ruling against Merck’s supplemental biologics license application (sBLA) for an indication […]
Gardasil Paralysis, Death and Other Alleged Side Effect Claims Available to Be Reviewed by Attorneys The attorneys working with Class are available to review claims from Gardasil recipients who experienced serious side effects after being injected with the HPV vaccine. (EMAILWIRE.COM, April 19, 2011 ) New York, NY – The attorneys working with Class are available to review claims from Gardasil recipients who experienced serious side effects […]
SaneVax Pregunta a la FDA sobre Gardasil ® ¿Que están haciendo?
BWN Argentina – Ultimas Noticias Argentina April 15, 2010 Médicos de todo el mundo y el publico aplauden la reciente decisión de la FDA de no ampliar el uso de Gardasil para mujeres mayores de 26 años de edad. Ahora quieren saber cuándo la FDA admitirá que la aprobación original para niñas fue un error. […]