By PF Lewis (NaturalNews) The CDC relies on an authoritative presence to influence not just USA health policy, but world health policy. This prestigious presence also demands more federal funding, which is being questioned. It seems that the CDC’s research, practices, and expenditures have been under scrutiny lately. Although very few know of what has […]
VRM: Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda & Media Collusion
By Joel Lord As far back as 2006 no fewer than 4 major pharmaceutical companies had applied for vaccine patents to combat a novel strain of H1N1 virus: GlaxoSmythKline, Novartis, Baxter International & Medimmune: GlaxoSmithKline Patent WO2006100109 A1 / March 21st, 2006 Novartis Patent US 20090047353 / November 6th, 2006 Baxter Patent US […]