By Vaccine Exchange We have written here before about the way in which Merck marketed Gardasil in order to maximize fear of cervical cancer – a disease that regular pap smears prevent anyway. Our previous post focused specifically on the ways in which Merck manipulated the information available to physicians. Now, an exceedingly interesting study just released in the […]
Unvaccinated people a public health threat? Nope, people who take antibiotics are the real danger
By Mike Adams, The Health Ranger (NaturalNews) Vaccine pushers often resort to an interesting fear tactic to try to mandate vaccine obedience among the masses: They insist that those who are unvaccinated are a health threat to the rest of the vaccinated population because the vaccinated people might get infected by the unvaccinated disease carriers! The quack logic of […]
Bird Flu Research to Stay on Hold as Papers to Be Published
By Simeon Bennett Feb. 17 (Bloomberg) — Bird flu experts meeting in Geneva agreed to allow the publication of two studies that alarmed U.S. security officials by showing how to make the deadly H5N1 virus easily transmissible. The publication of the papers will be delayed to allow a better explanation to the public of why […]
N.Y. State Health Department: What’s Going On?
By Catherine Frompovich Twelve teenage girls in a New York school have developed tics and other classic symptoms resembling Tourette syndrome, and their parents want answers. But officials aren’t saying much. Tourette syndrome was first recognized and identified in 1885 after France’s compulsory smallpox vaccination program began. Tourette is considered rare in the United States; but […]
Mandatory HPV Vaccination Debate: Is it a Threat to National Security?
National Security Law Brief, American University Washington School of Law Jacobson v. Massachusetts and the mandatory smallpox vaccinations of Cambridge, Massachusetts have commonly been used to justify mandatory vaccination polices when the vaccine is essential to the safety and health of the community. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, 11 (1905). However, with the advances in biotechnology […]