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Caution Urged Over Large-Scale HPV Vaccination Programs
By: Zosia Chustecka From Medscape Medical News August 20, 2008 — “There is good reason to be cautious about introducing large-scale vaccination programs” with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, because many essential questions are still unanswered. This is the conclusion of Charlotte Haug, MD, PhD, from the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, in […]
Anaphylaxis following quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination.
By: Julia M.L. Brotherton, MD HPH, et al Published at on Sept. 1, 2008. Background: In 2007, Australia implemented the National human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Program, which provides quadrivalent HPV vaccine free to all women aged 12–26 years. Following notification of 7 presumptive cases of anaphylaxis in the state of New South Wales, […]
Brachial plexus neuritis following HPV vaccination.
2008 Aug 18;26(35):4417-9. Epub 2008 Jul 3. Abstract We present a 19-year-old girl who developed a left brachial plexus neuritis following vaccination with a quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Post-vaccination brachial plexus neuritis is a rare event. Nevertheless, this first case warrants careful attention in view of the large vaccination campaigns in young adolescents being […]
A 16-Year-Old Girl With Bilateral Visual Loss and Left Hemiparesis Following an Immunization Against Human Papilloma Virus.
J Child Neurol March 2010 vol. 25 no. 3 321-327 Francis J. DiMario Jr, MD, et al We report the course of a 16-year-old girl who presented with near complete visual loss associated with chiasmal neuritis and a biopsy proven tumefactive demyelinating lesion on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in association with a recent immunization against […]