The adverse effects of vaccination – critical days
by Dutch Medical Journalist Désirée L. Röver © 2009
The agencies and institutes promoting vaccinations usually are monitoring far too briefly the results of the poisons they have been administering. Additionally they are keeping the mortality rates unrealistically low: by minimising the vaccination/adverse effect interval, and also by
categorically denying the causal link between vaccinations and immune suppression.
Next to the causative factor of the disease(s) that one wishes to avoid (…!) vaccines contain a whole range of highly noxious substances: formaldehyde, anti-freeze, mercury and/or aluminium compounds, and unknown quantities of foreign proteins of animal and human origin, as well as human and animal DNA and RNA. Injected straight into the human organism these substances
create unprecedented havoc: autoimmune disorders, diabetes, brain damage, cancer.
The non-specific stress syndrome
Phase I — alarm hours 4; 13; 48
The body is acutely affected:
all defence mechanisms are being mobilized; sharp increase in corticoid activity;
Phase II — resistance days 5, 6 or 7; 10 or 11.
The body is at maximum capacity of resistance to the insult;
Phase III — exhaustion days 14-16; 21-24; 28; 47
All defences have been exhausted (point of crisis). The body will either succumb or recover.
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