[SaneVax: All medications, including vaccines, carry the risk of adverse side effects. MMF, macrophagic myofasciitis, characterized by chronic inflammation, debilitating joint and muscle pain and incapacitating fatigue is but one of these potential side effects.
What is an acceptable level of sacrifice in the name of ‘the greater good?’ In order to determine acceptable levels of collateral damage, one must first know how many are put at risk when consenting to the latest medical miracle. The problem is these potential risks have never been identified, quantified or analyzed. Are you willing to risk your health and well-being, or that of your child, without having all of the facts necessary to make a sound decision?]
Neurological disorder MMF found to be caused by vaccines: scientific proof
By Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) It is a little-known condition that can trigger persistent and debilitating symptoms similar to those associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) and fibromyalgia, but is also one that the medical profession at large is still unwilling to acknowledge. And yet emerging research continues to show that macrophagic myofasciitis, or MMF, is a very real condition brought about as a direct result of vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvants, which become lodged in muscle tissue and lead to severe neurological damage and other problems.
First identified in 1998, MMF is characterized by debilitating muscle and joint pain, chronic inflammation, and incapacitating fatigue. Though clearly distinct from both fibromyalgia and MS, which are also now believed by many to be neurological conditions triggered by vaccines, MMF is similar in that it appears to involve the demyelination of the central nervous system, or the loss of the fatty layer myelin sheaths that protect nerves.
With this loss, comes the development of serious lesions, as well as a type of autoimmune reaction in which the body is unable to properly transmit nerve impulses, and essentially ends up attacking itself. The end result of this can manifest as severe pain in muscles and joints, chronic fatigue, persistent brain “fog,” and of course lasting nervous system damage.
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