Vac Truth By Laraine C. Abbey | November 8th, 2011 | There’s the classic story of ‘one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing’––or do they? Checking out these sources clearly shows that vaccines can cause both short and/or long-term damage to human health. This warning from the website tells us about […]
Lymphocytic Hypophysitis
LSU Medical Center Greg Dowd, MD and Deepak Awasthi, MD Department of Neurosurgery; LSU Medical Center; New Orleans, LA Introduction: Lymphocytic hypophysitis (LH) is an important cause of pituitary dysfunction in the young female. Multiple reports in the last 15 years have helped to clarify this disorder as an auto immune inflammation of the pituitary […]
The Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System (VAMPSS)
American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology A Collaboration Among: American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology (AAAAI) Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS) Slone Epidemiology Center at Boston University (SEC) What is VAMPSS? The Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System (VAMPSS) is a new nationwide post-marketing surveillance system established to comprehensively monitor […]
Autism, Bizarre Estrogen Dominance and Seizures
Age of Autism By Teresa Conrick Teresa Conrick is a Contributing Editor to Age of Autism. May 3, 2011 The sketch you see of my daughter, Megan, (here) was done by my neighbor, Ceil, when Megan was eight. She used a photo as Meg was never able to pose and Ceil wanted to capture the […]
Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats.
NCBI Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association. Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90. Gajdová M, Jakubovsky J, Války J. Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, Limbová, Bratislava. Abstract Neonatal female rats were injected ip (0.1 ml/rat) with Tween 80 in […]