ASIA Syndrome Epidemiological Profile of ASIA Syndrome After HPV Vaccination Pellegrino P1, Perrone V, Pozzi M, Carnovale C, Perrotta C, Clementi E, Radice S. Author information Abstract The term “ASIA-Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants” describes an umbrella of clinical conditions sharing similar signs or symptoms, including post-vaccination phenomena. No information is available on the […]
On the relationship between human papilloma virus vaccine and autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune Diseases Authors: Paolo Pellegrinoa, Carla Carnovalea, Marco Pozzib, Stefania Antoniazzic, Valentina Perronea, Dionigi Salvatia, Marta Gentilia, Tatiana Brusadellia, Emilio Clementib, d, , , Sonia Radicea Abstract The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines were introduced to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. The bivalent vaccine is effective against HPV-16, -18, -31, -33 and -45 while the quadrivalent vaccine is effective against HPV-16, 18, 31, 6 […]
Peripheral Sympathetic Nerve Dysfunction in Adolescent Japanese Girls Following Immunization with the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
Peripheral Sympathetic Nerve Dysfunction Authors: Tomomi Kinoshita1), Ryu-ta Abe1), Akiyo Hineno1), Kazuhiro Tsunekawa2), Shunya Nakane3), Shu-ichi Ikeda1) Objective To investigate the causes of neurological manifestations in girls immunized with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Methods During the past nine months, 44 girls visited us complaining of several symptoms after HPV vaccination. Four patients with other proven disorders […]
Human papilloma virus vaccine associated uveitis
Possible Association Between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination and Uveitis HPV vaccine vaccine associated uveitis: Holt HD, Hinkle DM, Falk NS, Fraunfelder FT, Fraunfelder FW1. Author information Abstract PURPOSE: To report a possible association between human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination and uveitis. METHODS: Spontaneous reports from the National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side effects, World Health Organization and Food […]
Potential cross reactivity between HPV 16 L1 protein and sudden death-associated antigens
Potential cross reactivity Cross Reactivity… J Exp Ther Oncol. 2011;9(2):159-65. Kanduc D. Author information Abstract In exploring the primary sequence of the human papilloma virus (HPV) 16 major capsid L1 protein for peptide sharing with human proteins, we find that 34 pentamers from the viral capsid protein are shared with human proteins that, when altered, have […]