Authors: Alessandra Soriano, Gideon Nesher, Yehuda Shoenfeld Abstract Vaccinations have been used as an essential tool in the fight against infectious diseases and succeeded in improving public health. However, adverse effects, including autoimmune conditions may occur following vaccinations (autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants – ASIA syndrome). It has been postulated that autoimmunity could be triggered or enhanced by […]
CMSRI: On Vaccines, Adjuvants and Autoimmunity
By Celeste McGovern Immunologists survey the research and it’s not reassuring Add one more item to the growing stack of published medical literature linking vaccines to the current explosion of autoimmune diseases from skin afflictions to neurological disorders. A paper published online this month in the journal Pharmacological Research is an international team of immunologists’ […]
Vaccines, adjuvants and autoimmunity
Authors: Luísa Eça Guimarãesa, Britain Bakera, Carlo Perriconeb, Yehuda Shoenfelda,c Abstract Vaccines and autoimmunity are linked fields. Vaccine efficacy is based on whether host immune response against an antigen can elicit a memory T-cell response over time. Although the described side effects thus far have been mostly transient and acute, vaccines are able to elicit the immune system towards […]
The safety of human papilloma virus blockers
The safety of human papilloma virus blockers and the risk of triggering autoimmune diseases Authors: Baker B1, Eça Guimarães L, Tomljenovic L, Agmon-Levin N, Shoenfeld Y. Abstract INTRODUCTION: With the safety of human papilloma virus vaccine (HPVv) being questioned, this article aims to assess the risks and benefits of the commercially available HPVv. Within the last […]
The Le Roy Twelve: Mass Hysteria? Gardasil? PANDAS? Aluminum Toxicity? – A Discussion on Environmental Factors, Mitochondrial Damage and Vaccine-Injury
Vax Truth Author: Marcella Today’s latest on The Le Roy Twelve reveals there is finally a diagnosis for the mysterious tic disorders in these formerly healthy and vibrant young women: “Mass Hysteria.” The psychiatrists have determined that there is no real physical cause for the sudden onset of symptoms associated with serious neurological damage, so they […]