[SaneVax: What would happen if scientists discovered that naturally acquired HPV infections helped reduce the risk of future infections and abnormal cell development? Would vaccine manufacturers admit they may have made a mistake and go back to the drawing board? Would the FDA be a little more cautious next time they considered fast-tracking a vaccine for […]
Call to vaccinate against possible H2N2 flu pandemic
By Dominic Hughes, Health Correspondent, BBC News Governments should launch a vaccination programme now to guard against a possible H2N2 flu pandemic, according to an article in the journal Nature. The US authors say immunity to the H2N2 flu strain is very low in people under the age of 50. But a safe vaccine already […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
By Joel Lord For centuries humankind has depended on an inherent natural immunity to survive; adapting to environmental changes while overcoming mutable diseases, viruses, bacterial or biological threats & inter-species cross contamination. With the 21st Century advancement of high-tech laboratory science (coupled with the unlimited finances of the Military Industrial Complex, Corporations & Governments in […]
New controversy surrounding flu vaccination
By Annie Guest ELIZABETH JACKSON: There’s renewed controversy surrounding influenza vaccines today with some studies showing that people immunised against the seasonal flu might have been at greater risk during the swine flu outbreak. An infectious diseases expert professor Peter Collignon has called for a review of Australia’s flu vaccine policy in light of this […]
Lifelong Immunity? With Vaccines, It Depends
By: Nancy Shute, National Public Radio 11 October 2010 At 2:30 on a Tuesday afternoon, moms and babies are gathering at Angela Shogren’s townhouse in Alexandria, Va. As the babies try to crawl across the basement floor, the moms talk about breastfeeding and lack of sleep. One issue keeps coming up: vaccines. “I am from […]