By Admin, Aware Prepare and Prosper A while back we shared with you some information which the folks at SaneVax uncovered about Viral HPV DNA contaminant found in the Gardasil HPV Vaccine. This is a problem and DOES post a health threat because aside from the DNA being attached to aluminum which has an affinity for the brain […]
Gardasil Victim’s Mom Speaks About Vaccine Injury: SANEVAX Vaccine Injury Victim Support Line
Excerpt from article posted on Age of Autism: As the mother of a girl who has suffered injury due to the Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, I know first hand how important the Victims Hotline at SANEVAX.ORG is. We live in a small city in Wyoming with limited medical resources. When my daughter became ill in […]
BREAKING NEWS: Sane Vax Independently commissioned Laboratory analysis of HPV vaccine Gardasil (from 13 separate lot vials) finds 100% contamination with genetically modified (cloned) HPV rDNA
By VRM Wire9 ‘SANE Vax Inc. contracted with an independent lab to test for contamination and found HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) in 13 vaccine vials. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence […]
Father of Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injured Girl Tells Dr Caplan To Put His Money Where His Mouth Is
Posted on: Aware Prepare and Prosper Here is an interesting story that has been developing, and once again hats off to SANE Vax and compassion to all the parents of and victims of Gardasil HPV vaccine injury. And to the pseudo docs/puppets of Big Pharma…you are being exposed. After Michelle Bachmann said in reference to the […]
Gardasil Contamination: EMA Steps Up to the Plate, FDA drops the Ball
By Norma Erickson, President 16 September 2011, in response to an inquiry about SANE Vax’s recent discovery of genetically engineered HPV DNA in Gardasil™[i], the following announcement was broadcast on radio out of Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland: “The IMB (Irish Medicines Board) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) are aware of the recent communication from […]