Sibling Transmission of Vaccine-Derived Rotavirus (RotaTeq) Associated With Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Rotavirus (RotaTeq) Authors: Daniel C. Payne, PhD, MSPHa, Kathryn M. Edwards, MDb, Michael D. Bowen, PhDc, Erin Keckley, RNb, Jody Peters, MSb, Mathew D. Esona, PhDc, Elizabeth N. Teel, BSc, Diane Kent, RNb, Umesh D. Parashar, MBBS, MPHa, Jon R. Gentsch, PhDc Abstract Although rotavirus vaccines are known to be shed in stools, transmission of […]
Unvaccinated Children: What’s your view?
Unvaccinated Children [SaneVax: It does not matter which side of the vaccine debate you are on. If you are interested in the health and safety of those around you, you have a responsibility to learn the facts. Watch the video about unvaccinated children below to learn a few facts about vaccinations. Educate before you vaccinate. Video courtesy […]
Zostavax recipients shed varicella virus through saliva
By Brian Cohen According to a recent research study, some of the patients inoculated with Zostavax, the shingles vaccine created by Merck, shed the varicella virus through their saliva and inoculation sites for a month after immunization. The research, conducted by Dr. Catherine DiGiorgio of the University of Texas – Houston, may have positive and […]