They Attack Vaccine Exemptions Using Fear & Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemptions. Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC, National Vaccine Information Center go to: Part One – Vaccine Exemptions: view: Part Two Vaccine Exemptions: watch: Part Three Vaccine Exemptions: The National Vaccine Information Center’s (NVIC) YouTube Channel! NVIC is a national charitable, non-profit educational organization founded in […]
HPV Vaccine Damage Is the New Autism
HPV Vaccine Damage by Dr. David J. Clark, DC The HPV vaccine is destroying the health and lives of a generation of women and young girls. HPV vaccine damage has effected hundreds of thousands of young girls. Dr. David Clark, DC Functional Neurologist (FACFN) Diplomate College of Clinical Nutrition Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist Fellow […]
The World is Dumping Expired Medicines on to Gaza
If medicines are not disposed of properly there could be serious health implications for not only Gaza but also Israel. There is no doubt that hospitals in the Gaza Strip are in dire straights, desperately in need of medicine and technology. However, millions of dollars worth of useless, out of date or expired medicine is being sent […]
Conflict of Interest in the “Independent” Supporters
Watch as CBS news investigates conflict of interest among the top “independent” vaccine advocates. One doctor claims theoretically a child can receive 10,000 vaccines safely all at once. Someone offered him $100,000 to inject them into himself, he has not. Finally the main stream media is starting to do real journalistic investigation! We’ll see how long it lasts when the pharmaceutical […]
KILLING PEOPLE-Deadly Inoculations: Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Part One: Part Two: