Posted 07 October 2010 (Note from SaneVax: Mothers Alliance is currently distributing the following flier to raise awareness about the potential risks involved with HPV vaccination.) IRISH PARENTS ARE BEING DENIED THE RIGHT TO MAKE AN FULLY INFORMED CHOICE ABOUT THE GARDASIL HPV VACCINE. All vaccines should be: (1) SAFE (2) EFFECTIVE (3) NECESSARY […]
Do Flu Vaccinations for Pregnant Women Protect Infants?
By: Nancy Solomon 18 October 2010 NIH-Funded Vaccine Research at SLU Also Examines Mom’s Immune Response ST. LOUIS – In the wake of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the National Institutes of Health has launched a clinical trial that studies the seasonal flu vaccine in pregnant women. Saint Louis University, one of the Vaccine and […]
Twin Research Registry at SRI International Seeks Bay Area Twin Pairs for Seasonal Flu Vaccine Study at Stanford University
Published by SRI International 12 October 2010 SRI International, an independent nonprofit research and development institute, is seeking healthy fraternal and identical twin pairs for the second year of a flu vaccine study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. This year’s vaccine covers both the seasonal and the H1N1 flu. The goal of the […]