By Khadija Sharife This is the second of a two-part series examining the methods by which multinational drug corporations inflate their expenses and justify their pricing strategies. The first part revealed how, far from costing the reported (and widely accepted) $1bn to bring a drug to market, actual costs may be less than a fifth […]
Taking steps to care for vaccines' victims
By Natasha Bita AS a baby, Jacob McCarthy swallowed a spoonful of vaccine given by his doctor to protect him from polio. That “live” vaccine, which contained small amounts of weakened polio virus and has since been replaced by a safer version, gave him the painful and paralytic symptoms of the devastating disease it was […]
Government to match vaccine pledges
Source: ‘The Press Association” The Government is set to promise to match millions of pounds in donations by businesses to fund vaccines against illnesses for children in the developing world. Up to £50 million of public money will be set aside for the scheme, with the Government matching business donations up to that amount, the […]
Vaccine Mania: The Relationship between Government and Pharmaceutical Companies
By the Alliance for Natural Health The vaccination question is a hotly debated topic, even in the natural health community. It doesn’t help when vaccine companies have blatant conflicts of interest and the studies supporting their safety may be fraudulent! What we all can agree upon is the need to keep crony capitalism out of […]
Going Viral: The Pentagon takes on a new enemy – swine flu.
By David E. Hoffman ABSTRACT: ANNALS OF SCIENCE about the Pentagon’s reaction to the swine flu virus. On Tuesday night, April 28, 2009, Darrell Galloway, a senior official at the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency, watched a news report from Mexico City about a new strain of influenza known as swine flu that was spreading […]